Club jur

Club Jur runs the faculty’s very own bar; «Straffbar». The group consists of 30-50 enthusiastic members, and throw some of the highlights of the school year, such as «x-russefest» ect. In addition, the group assists other groups arranging events, such as pub quizzes, revues, parties and table tennis tournaments.

There are no admission requirements for joining Club Jur, but enthusiasm and creativity are appreciated, and we love people who take initiative and are willing to work hard to perfect the social environment on the faculty.



Culpa is the Law Students’ Union mixed choir in Bergen. We have no auditions or formal requirements for joining the choir, only the desire to sing and good humor. Practices take place on Wednesdays from 18:00 until 20:15 ( 6 pm to 8.15 pm) at the Faculty of Law or at «Kvarteret».

Throughout the year we have regular arrangements, including a spring concert, Christmas concert and performances at Internaften, the Law Students’ Union ball and on the 17th of May (Constitution Day). In addition we have social activities such as Husfest with other students from the Faculty. We also partake in events with many other university choirs from across the entire country.

Are you interested in singing with fellow good humoured law students? Join Culpa! Contact one of our board members or send an e-mail to


Force Marsjør Juzz-Band

Force Marsjør Juzz-Band og Fotnotene (in short: FMJB) is is the in-house (silly) student orchestra at the Faculty of Law here at UiB. Our repertoire consists mostly of music meant to liven up the crowd and create an entertaining show. We have a long history at the faculty; we’ve been here since 1979, and there will be plenty of activities going on every semester. For instance, each semester we attain SMASH with fellow students. SMASH is a tradition where student orchestras from all around Norway meet for one weekend, play music together, and have lots of fun. In October 2015, we were in Trondheim with 300 other musical students!
On behalf of FMJB, I would love to invite those of you who have played an instrument before (e.g. saxophone, trombone, trumpet, drums) or would like to dance as a member of our dance group, to meet up Thursdays at 18.00 p.m. in front of Portnerboligen (the little house on the right side of the main entrance to the faculty).  We do not demand that you have lots of experience, as several of our members had not played for years – or danced – when they first started. In addition, here is the best part: We have instruments that you can borrow! (for free, of course). Through the years, we have had many exchange students whom have played in FMJB.

But you might still wonder why you should join us?

Well, first and foremost, you will meet a lot of Norwegian students in an open and welcoming community. This is an excellent opportunity for you to learn a lot about the local student traditions and it might be easier to learn some Norwegian while hanging with us. Secondly, all the different events that the various student groups at the faculty arrange, usually involve us. Therefore, we get to go to many social happenings for free!

If you have any questions, what so ever. Please do not hesitate to contact us here on Facebook, on or at Portnerboligen on Thursdays.


JURAK – Juridisk arrangementskomitee 

JURAK is the event comittee. They arrange different events such as pub quiz, the annual boat party, Halloween party etc. If you want to help out, contact «JURAK» on their Facebook page.

JVL – Juridiske vinterleker

The Legal Winter Games ( JVL) is a winter sports event for law students from Bergen and Oslo with long traditions.

The games have established as one of the most enticing events in Norwegian law school, as the tickets are sold out in no time on both faculties. For most participants the social aspect of the event is the most important, like the bus trip, after-ski, theme-party, concert and banquet. The games also holds a high standard in sports with the tandem ski competition as the absolute highlight.

The most important ting for the games is to have fun! It does not matter if you have limited skills with skis on your legs. JVL is a winter sport event for all kind of athletes. You can slide downhill on toboggan, build a snowman or just relax with a beer in the sun



Jusrevyen is played every spring semester at Fjøset, at the bar at the Law Faculty. It ranges from stage workers and a costume group to actors and the social group.

Throughout the year we organize a christmas party, cabin trips, premiere-party, and other social gatherings. The week before the show we have something called «fjøsuke». That week we’re at Fjøset every day, all day. We practice, build the stage and make everything ready for the premiere.

If you have questions or want to join? Send an e-mail to

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