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Juristforeningen is the student association at the Faculty of Law. Its purpose is to provide the law students with a broad range of extracurricular activities within sports, culture and academics. The students can for instance join the rowing team or soccer team (amongst others), be active in Fagstyret which hosts interesting lectures and «field trips» or join the marching band, Force Marsjør Juzz-Band & Fotnotene.

Juristforeningen in Bergen has about 1800 members. A membership lasting one full year costs 100 NOK. Being a member entitles you to discounts on Juristforeningens own events, free entry to certain nightclubs (for instance where all the post-exam parties are held), discounts in many shops and restaurants, and much more.

Contact us at info@juristforeningen.com and we will give you an instruction on how to become a member.

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